lunes, 8 de agosto de 2005

Ampliando el público

Como si Harry Potter (la marca) fuera poco estímulo para los adoradores de la magia, ahora se pretende llevar a todo otro segmento de público a las salas cinematográficas (y a comprar muñequitos, claro). Leo:

Mike Newell, the third director to take a crack at the Harry Potter film franchise (his Goblet of Fire will debut around Christmas this year), claims he took the job in order to expose how awful kids really are - that they are, in fact, "bloodthirsty maniacs". "I was very anxious to break the franchise out of this goody-two-shoes feel," he told Contact Music. "It's my view that children are violent, dirty, corrupt anarchists. Just adults-in-waiting basically."
Wow, I'm impressed. The cast of Harry Potter is lookin' rather spiff. Stanislav Ianevski as Viktor Krum, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Katie Leung as Cho Chang, Robert Pattinson as Cedric Diggory and Clemence Poesy as Fleur Delacour. Thoughts on the casting? 14 more pictures after the jump." (Just Jared Blog, con todas las fotos)

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