sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2006


Dear friends,

The start of the New Year -2007- is upon us. As we catch our breath going into the New Year, we're writing to thank the supporters of the Not In Our Name statement of conscience and the Bush Crimes Commission for your support and to encourage your participation in four specific ways, including a year-end financial contribution.

Throughout this past year, the many revelations of lies, crimes and misdeeds exposed not only by journalists, experts, government officials, and Guantanamo detainees but also active duty military personnel have increased the public debate about what is going on in the world and in this country. The Not In Our Name statement and its Bush Crimes Commission are proud of the contributions we have made to that process.

But public opinion alone does not change government policy. To quote from the Not In Our Name statement of conscience: "We must change the political reality of this country by mobilizing the tens of millions who know in their heads and hearts that the Bush regime's 'reality' is nothing but a nightmare for humanity. This will require creativity, mass actions and individual moments of courage. We must come together whenever we can, and we must act alone whenever we have."

Inaction today is complicity with the Bush Agenda. Here are some of the ways your participation will make a difference:

1 Millions still need to see the amazing video documentaries produced by the Bush Crimes Commission. When crimes of this magnitude are being committed, no one should be able to say, "I didn't know." These videos need to be shown in every living room, every classroom, broadcast on every local public access channel, and placed in every video library across the country.

This 2-DVD set from the Bush Crimes Commission is now available from Amazon.com!

Simply search for "Bush crimes" under DVDs on Amazon or click here. You can order from our web site directly. You can also order by mail. Send your check for $25 (includes shipping) ($150/sliding scale for libraries and institutions) made out to NION SOC Inc., to NION, 305 West Broadway, #199, New York, NY 10013.

2 The work of going up against the mass media to document the crimes of the Bush administration is very expensive. Before the end of the year, you can make a tax-deductible contribution to support the educational work of Bush Crimes Commission. Other contributions can be made out to NION SOC Inc., to NION, 305 West Broadway, #199, New York, NY 10013.

3 Together with The World Can't Wait, the Bush Crimes Commission is organizing teach-ins on campuses and in communities across the country this winter. To put together a program in your area, please contact teachin@worldcantwait.org right away. It's not at all difficult, and the results are powerful. Speakers and videos are available.

4 Because the NION statement of conscience and the Bush Crimes Commission do not make your contact information available to other organizations, we want to make you aware of some related actions:

On January 4, World Can't Wait calls on us to demonstrate in Washington when Congress opens! Pelosi has declared that impeachment is "off the table",Well it's not off the people's table!

On January 11, there will be an International Day of Action to Shut Down Guantanamo called by Witness Against Torture.

On January 27, United For Peace & Justice has called a March on Washington.

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