martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Juventud, divino tesoro

Youth Forum 2012

RFSL Ungdom – The Swedish youth federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer rights will host a Youth Forum in the prospect of ILGA World conference in Stockholm 12-13th of December 2012. We will have workshops, lectures, social activities and exchange -experience regarding the work of young lgbtq people around the world with participants under 30 years or people representing a youth organization. The Youth Forum 2012 will not have a participation fee, it´s gonna be free to participate and when it´s specified in the program RFSL Ungdom will serve simple meals. We are working on a solution where members of RFSL Ungdom and others may be able to invite people to live at their homes, to cut the cost for accommodation.

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