jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

A Conservative With a Common Touch

por  Laurie Goldstein para The New York Times

The new pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (pronounced ber-GOAL-io), 76, will be called Francis. Chosen Wednesday by a gathering of Roman Catholic cardinals, he is in some ways a history-making pontiff, the first from the Jesuit order and the first pope from Latin America.
But Cardinal Bergoglio is also a conventional choice, a theological conservative of Italian ancestry who vigorously backs Vatican positions on abortion, gay marriage, the ordination of women and other major issues — leading to heated clashes with Argentina’s left-leaning president. 

El texto completo, acá

2 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo1:27 p.m.

    ah berhh... ahveys tadeis comprobado che il sumo bergo
    nel suo carne(´) del santo di al-macro ¿sensa salita?
    categoriza "activo simple"
    ¿saramo davanti nuova papa caliente?
    se las deco goteande...




  2. Anónimo3:49 p.m.

    "during the 1970s as the country was consumed by a conflict between right and left that became known as the Dirty War"
    what the fuck?
