martes, 25 de enero de 2005

¡Abstente, abstente o morirás!

Leemos en Z Magazine el pésimo efecto que tuvo en el estudiantado de la Universidad de Montana una conferencia sobre abstinencia sexual: "The content of the talk outraged McKay and shocked and confused her students. 'They said things like condoms aren't effective against STDs and explicitly predicted that those who have premarital sex will have unhappy marriages because people feel insecure when their partners have had previous sexual experiences', McKay recalls. The presenters also cited a specious 2003 study, conducted by the right-wing Heritage Foundation, that purportedly found that sexually active teens are more likely to be depressed or suicidal than their celibate peers". Para esta gente de Heritage, como para los purpurados de la iglesia católica (escupo), se trata de una cruzada contra la fornicación.

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