miércoles, 26 de enero de 2005

Los viernes, entrada libre

"If you're not sure if you want to become a member, please visit our site on Fridays. Fridays are open to Rhizome members and non-members alike".
Igual lo que piden es casi nada, cinco dólares por año. Agendarse, pues, para el viernes (algún viernes) el siguiente

"The NYU Program Board Performing Arts committee has organized a multi-sensory installation with the hope of inducing synesthesia (ex. hearing a color, tasting a shape)".

Parece que, en efecto, vuelve lo clásico, vuelve la sinestesia: "En el silencio sólo se escuchaba/ un susurro de abejas que sonaba" (Garcilaso) o Ed è subito sera (Quasimodo), para no hablar de "Voyelles" de Rimbaud:

A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu : voyelles,
Je dirai quelque jour vos naissances latentes :
A, noir corset velu des mouches éclatantes
Qui bombinent autour des puanteurs cruelles (...)

Y, para aprovechar a fondo la jornada, también en Rhizome, lo que tanto preocupa a los jóvenes de Bahía Blanca:

From "> Institute of Network Cultures Call for Papers: The Art and Politics of Netporn WHAT IS NETPORN? Web-based media and environments that filter porn images and traffic between industries and art/indie cultures, corporations, ISP's and net users; involving daily (female and male) activities such as blogging, webcamming, chatting, binging on porn portals, p2p porn, live journals, confession boards, mailing lists and zines. [more]

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